Tuesday, August 24, 2010

are u perfect ??: why do you keep on criticizing people??

are u perfect ??: why do you keep on criticizing people??: "I decided to write this blog cause its unfair if you just point out the mistakes that made Rolando Mendoza puts the Philippine's tourism go down..."

why do you keep on criticizing people??

I decided to write this blog cause its unfair if you just point out the mistakes that made Rolando Mendoza puts the Philippine's tourism go down ...every where i search Rolando Mendoza is being criticize ( think of the other side as well)

This topic is all about August 23,2010 incident wherein the hostage taker killed 10 civilian for almost 12 hrs. I know that all of you was dissapointed... but did you think about Rolando Mendoza's situation ?? i don't think so ... i opened my twitter and facebook account and saw what people did ... they make fun of Rolando Mendoza , they criticize him,they told bad words and to make this short they think of themselves see how selfish they was...

An ex-cop, Senior Inspector Rolando del Rosario Mendoza, armed with an automatic rifle, held a Hong Thai tourist bus with 25 passengers hostage, August 23, near the Quirino Grandstand.

If Mr. Rolando Mendoza doesn't have conscience then why would he request to give full tank fueled on the bus and food for the tourist ?? He just want to go back to his job that all but we all know that he committed a crime ... we all know that he killed 10 civilians ... for me the reason why he do that was how could you stand to see your brother/sister being arrested in front of you??

The Police and Swat didn't do their job as well why?? cause you see they had been talking to ex cop mendoza ...and they had an agreement already ... how come they arrest his brother in front of him ... to state my point i just want to tell everyone that if the government agrees to put ex cop mendoza back on his job then the issue is finished ... but what did they do?? They make Mendoza gone mad so he started to kill civilians ...the Police and Swat also doesn't have enough experience or training ,they don't know how to deal with that situation and doesn't have enough equipments too ...

For the economy , we know that Philippines is famous around the world ... now its tourism will go down and tourists thinks about their safety ... its very dissapointing but we should face reality ...

Come on!! ,Philippines is a nation of strong, remarkable and hospitable people ...
Philippines fight for its democracy( EDSA Revolution) , Served to other country and treat them ;ike one of their own and lastly country of beauty and love known to be hospitable and well-valued.

On the negative side Filipino's love to criticize other people who makes mistake like President Joseph Ejercito Estrada, President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

They criticize other people as if they are perfect creations !! Haven't you heard of the quotation " Don't judge a book by its cover", don't criticize Rolando Mendoza ...why?? cause we really don't know him very well ... he's also a victim of this society ...

We can't blame Hongkong and China for whatever decisions they made... We need to accept what ever decisions . But i do hope that peace and understanding reign this time

With all due respect... this is just my own opinion so sorry if something on my blog dissapoints you but just like i said earlier "Don't judge a book by its cover"...

on behalf of Philippine people ... we are sorry and we mean that. and lastly don't misjudge Philippines,

We just need to face reality and let's pray for the soul of the people who died in that accident ... may they rest in peace ... may this serve as a lesson for other people
